Our Company

More than 15 years of experience guarantee our technical and professional capabilities. An important team of agronomical engineers and agricultural technical engineers with extensive experience in the field, provide agronomic support and consulting services to agricultural companies; livestock farms; hotels and other complexes that offer tourist accomodation; and nurseries for the production of ornamental, horticultural and fruit plants.
See Our Dossier

About Us

Our Company provides consulting, engineering and training services in the agricultural, livestock, gardening and plant nursery sectors. We provide solutions in an optimal and effective way in the consulting, engineering and business training fields, both to private and public entities.

We are the first canarian company to be registered in the Registry of Consulting Service Entities for Agricultural Holdings in the Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries in the Canary Islands.

Among the members of our team we have experts in different fields, such as agronomical engineers, agricultural technical engineers, public works technical engineers, industrial engineers, veterinarians, biologists and surveyors.

Agroislas is a company that is in constant interaction with private and public companies on the national scene, maintaining an important exchange of information and a professional and business maturity that allows us to provide an excellent consulting service to our customers.

Work areas

Consulting services in the agricultural sector 90%
Consulting services in the livestock sector 80%
Consulting services in the gardening sector 85%
Consulting services in the plant nursery sector 95%
Engineering projects 75%
Training courses 100%

Why us?

All our staff is highly qualified.

  • Their academic qualifications make them capable to conduct the work that our company involves.
  • We are constantly learning in order to adapt to market demands in the different fields that our company tackles: Consulting, Engineering and Training Services.

More than 15 years of experience

The different projects we have conducted both at the island and at a national level have given us prestige and a good reputation with our customers. This has allowed us to move forward in the business field and achieve goals in the different sectors in which we are specialists.

Customers from all over Spain trust us

  • Integrity, commitment and transparency are qualities of the upmost importance in our company, which any of our customers can vouch for.
  • The completion of our projects, meeting the deadlines agreed with our customers, make our company a serious and reliable entity.

Our Accreditations

Registered in the Registry of Consulting Service Entities for Agricultural

Gobierno de Canarias

 Holdings in the Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries in the Canary Islands.


Collaborator of the Canary Islands Employment ServiceServicio Canario de Empleo





Collaborator of the Canary Islands Foundation for the Promotion of Work

Fundación Canaria para el Fomento del Trabajo

Members of the Insular Association for Rural Development of Gran

Asociación Insular de Desarrollo Rural de Gran Canaria


Also as a result of our commitment to continuous improvement, we have obtained the accreditation of the European Seal of Accessibility for the

Sello Europeo de Accesibilidad de Minusválidos otorgada por el Gobierno de Canarias

 Disabled, granted by the Government of the Canary Islands.


Associated entity of the Strategy for Entrepreneurship and Youth

Estrategia de Emprendimiento y Empleo Joven


Partner of the Spanish Association of ArboricultureAsociación Española de Arboricultura

ConescanPartner of Conescan, business cluster in the Canary Islands specialized in the areas of Construction, Equipment and Services.

Member of the Spanish Confederation of Education and Training Centres
Confederación Española de Centros de Formación

Since 2012, our company holds the ISO 9001 and the ISO 14001 quality certifications, which guarantees the control and quality of all our training activities.
ISO 14001ISO 9001

Since 2015, our company holds the distinction of excellence and in 2018 we obtained the EFQM 400+ European Seal of Excellence.
Collaborator of the AFIM Foundation, to help, train an integrate the disabled.

Fundación de ayuda a minusválidos


Collaborator of the Una Mirada al Sur NGO, to help the disadvantaged.

Una Mirada al Sur

Collaborator of the UN Refugee Agency


Collaborator of the Spanish Red Cross.

Cruz Roja Española

Collaborator of the Association of Deaf People of Gran Canaria.

Asociación de Personas Sordas de Gran Canaria



Tratamientos fitosanitarios. Control integrado, biológico. Planes de abonados. Riegos y dotaciones híbridas. Control de labores y prácticas culturales. Prácticas culturales. Demás decisiones técnicas a adoptar.



Anteproyectos. Proyectos. Direcciones de obra. Informes periciales. Valoraciones. Mediciones. Coordinaciones de Seguridad y Salud. Tasaciones. Implantación de normativas. Ingeniería rural. Estudios de impacto ecológico y ambiental. Levantamientos topográficos y cualquier otro trabajo de gabinete que tenga que ver con la agronomía.



Alta cualificación y experiencia en la impartición de cursos de formación para los sectores agrícola, ganadero y jardinería.

Our Team

A multidisciplinary team made up of agronomical engineers, public works engineers, landscapers and expert personnel in pruning and maintenance of agricultural land, gardens, trees, shrubs and palm trees work in coordination to obtain effective solutions.

Our staff masters several branches of knowledge in the natural, engineering and agronomic environment, as well as innovative experimental techniques. This allows us to visualize the sector from a three-dimensional perspective which, thanks to our presence in numerous private and public companies, is directly inspired by the real world of agriculture and gardening.

Likewise, teaching experts convey this knowledge to new generations of professionals in the sector and other people interested in improving or getting introduced to this exciting world.

All this knowledge is fed back with our real daily experience and our database. Agronomic consulting services, agricultural engineering and training of specialists in the sector, all with the guarantee of our presence in the sector for more than 15 years and our accreditations of quality and business excellence that serve as our endorsement. If you need any solution in the agricultural sector, we have it.

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Our customers

Atlántico Consultores
Ayaguares Medioambiente
Ayuntamiento Aguimes
Ayuntamiento de Santa Lucia
Ayuntamiento de Telde
Cabildo de Gran Canaria
Cabildo de Lanzarote
Cabildo de Fuerteventura
Concejo Insular de Gran Canaria
Hotel Fariones
Hotel Princesa Yaiza
Padilla Supermercados
R2 Hotels
Viveros Santiago Perez
Asociación de Iberia
Viveros Mogán
Ayuntamiento de Mogán
Ayuntamiento de San Mateo
Ayuntamiento de Valleseco
Ayuntamiento La Aldea de San Nicolás
Transportes Paco León
Ayuntamiento de San Bartolomé
Hoteles Sunwing
Finca Los Olivos
Grupo air llama
Método consultores
Ayuntamiento de Agaete
Zona Verde
Hoteles Morasol
Mancomunidad centro sur Fuerteventura
LEM Infraestructuras y Servicios
Redondo Guayadera
Villas Amadores
SAT Hoya Niebla
Allsun Hotels
Ganadería La Pared
Hoteles Dunas
Mar Abierto S.L.
Acacia Garden
Club Camping y Caravaning Gran Canaria
Salobre Golf
Maspalomas Golf
Pérez Moreno
Juliano Bonny Goméz
Canarias Explosivos
SAT Botija
Hotel Parque Tropical
Obra Social Caja de Canarias
Gabinete Literario
Administración Tributaria Canaria
Servicio Canario de Empleo
Confederación Canaria de Empresarios
Fundación Canaria para el Fomento del Empleo
Bodega Stratvs
Metal Agrícola
Jardinería 7 Islas
Finca de Uga
Supermercados Mogán
Centro Deportivo Fariones
Quesería Bolaños
CC las Ramblas
Meeting Point International
Go Beyond
Ayuntamiento de Arucas
Ayuntamiento de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Syocsa Inarsa
Fresh Tom Export
KWS Semillas
Grupo Martínez Hermanos
Agrícola del norte de Gran Canaria S.C.L.
GYD Asesores
Unión Cárnica Europea
Dn Facility Solutions
Kufer 2000
Finca Machinda
HD Hotels
Apartamentos Las Góndolas
Federación española de Universidades Populares
Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado
GMR Canarias
Viveros Blomia
Marina Gran Canaria
La Isla y el Mar Hotel
Proyecta XXI